Fancy Bouquet
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Enjoy beautiful art!
Fancy Bouquet
The Fancy Bouquet watercolor features Turk’s Cap Lily, Trout Lily, Lady’s Slipper, Lily of the Valley, Trillium and Blue Flag Iris. It’s a beautiful way to invite people to your special event. The 5x7 postcard lets you fill in the blanks to announce your wedding, garden party, or any party or reception. If you would like for us to type in your information, send it to us in the Contact Us form comments box. We will send you a pdf proof to check.
The postcards are printed on thick 15-point material coated on both sides with a satin matte finish. Durable and long lasting, they are Framable Art! So, when you send your invitation, you are also giving a beautiful gift to your friend.

Your postcards are printed and mailed from Contact us if any questions.
5" x 7"
Available quantities
50 for $39
100 for $69
250 for $99
Free shipping
We type your wording at no additional charge.
Card front
Front of card
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Card back
Back of card
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About buying Margo's art

Margo is focusing on originals, however her work shown on this website is for sale. If you are interested in purchase information, contact us. We would be happy to communicate with you about prices. Thank you.