Here is a detail of the artwork. Scroll down for purchase options.
Enjoy beautiful art!
Select a frame option or select Giclee only. This is a large print. The Giclee option is a high quality digital print that you can frame however you wish. It is printed on sunset bright velvet cotton rag 350 gsm with 2-inch border and shipped to you in a tube. The image size is 25"x21" and full dimension is 29"x25". The paper used for the framed option is high quality for digital reproduction, provided by but is not a cotton rag. All prints are giclees.

The frame option shown will complement this artwork. Your framed art is shipped to you with regular plexiglass and wire, nails and hook for hanging. Your framed art is mailed from The below Option is linked to information about the frame on the website. Contact us if any questions.
Foam 3/16"
Framed print without mat
Image size: 25" x 21"
Outer dimension including mat: 27.5" x 23.5"

About buying Margo's art

Margo is focusing on originals, however her work shown on this website is for sale. If you are interested in purchase information, contact us. We would be happy to communicate with you about prices. Thank you.